Types of Dentures Available

Dentures provide a way to restore your smile after losing teeth. Additionally, dentures help address some of the side effects that can occur when teeth are missing. For instance, facial muscles can sag when there are not enough teeth to support them. Replacing those teeth with dentures provides more support, which can minimize drooping. At Elite Family Dentistry in Mesa, several types of dentures are available and our dentist, Dr. Katia Mortazavinia can help you discover the right type for you.

Partial Dentures

One main type of denture is a partial denture, which is typically used when only a few teeth are missing with several natural teeth still remaining. Traditional partial dentures are often held in place with clasps that fit around existing natural teeth on either side of the space where teeth are missing.

In some cases, a transitional partial denture can be worn temporarily while waiting for the traditional partial denture to be custom created. Transitional partial dentures are also worn following the removal of several teeth to give the gums time to heal from the extraction before fitting a patient with a custom traditional partial denture.

Full Dentures

The other main type of denture available is a full denture, also known as a complete denture. Full dentures are usually needed when most or all of the natural teeth are missing on one or both arches. Conventional full dentures are custom made for the best fit. Additionally, this type of denture often conforms to the patient’s mouth over time for the best fit possible.

Another type of full denture that is available is an immediate full denture, which is similar to a transitional partial denture as it can be worn immediately following an extraction procedure. Implant-supported dentures are another option available at our Mesa dental practice. Dentures can be held in place with dental implants for additional stability, a more natural feel, and exceptional functionality.

Dentures can help you regain your smile, improve tooth functioning, and much more. Partial and full dentures are both available at our Mesa dental practice. To find out which type might be right for you, schedule an appointment with Dr. Mortazavinia by calling Elite Family Dentistry at (480) 265-8702.

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